My management style is based on trust. I strongly believe that employees should have freedom under responsibility. The feeling of freedom is the key to succeeding in your ambitions and getting the best out of each other. I would also categorise myself as an attentive leader. I spend a lot of time listening to others and try to be present in meetings with my colleagues. I have implemented a weekly yoga session at the office because we are all in our heads so much, and it is important that, in a workplace, you give space to get down into your body and ‘check in as I usually say. After an hour like that, you return to your desk improved and can think much better creatively.
I have been interested in yoga and meditation for many years now. In our new house, I've got a yoga room up in the loft, where I sit when I need to calm down. I also go on retreats occasionally to relax and feel like myself. If we just rush out there at 100 kilometres an hour and don't stop, then we can’t make the right decisions in life. And we cannot create anything new at all. To be a good leader, mother, and girlfriend, it is important to include yourself.
We have just moved into a new house, where we have changed the kitchen because I wanted more natural materials in the home. The smell of oak gives me such peace. We also fell in love with the fireplace – an open fire and the smell of wood can really do something. Around the house, I have put some diffusers to which I add different essential oils like lavender and lemongrass every morning. In this way, I do a lot to create the framework for me to feel an inner peace. It has truly become my mantra in life. It's probably because I have a job in an industry where everything goes super-fast and where I constantly must make quick decisions. I need to find a balance.